
Draw Together: Louise Bourgeois Heart Spirals

                                                                                                                                                                                         Heart Spiral Drawing Video We are a DrawTogether Classroom! Our first Draw Together Activity is about art and relaxation...  The Heart Spiral was inspired by cartoonist, writer and educator  Lynda Barry . Lynda believes drawing spirals helps people get out of their head and into their bodies. (We strongly agree!)  In this episode...

Leaf Mandala Drawing

  LEAF MANDALA DRAWING This leaf mandala drawing is not only a beautiful fall art project but also explores art concepts like balance and pattern. Let’s make something! MATERIALS FOR A LEAF MANDALA…. The only real required materials for this fall art project are pencil, a black marker, and a compass. White paper either 8.5 x 11 or 12x 18 will be great- depending on how much drawing your students would like to do. At the end of this project I’ll show you a fun way to add a splash of color using washable markers. But if you prefer you could easily sub in watercolors or even crayon for this step! Use what you have! DRAW A LEAF… Step number one is to draw the outline of a leaf-BIG! If you have time step outside and gather a few real leaves to use as reference. If not a quick search on the internet will give you some nice leaf shapes to refer to. The shape of the leaf can be as simple or as complex as your student chooses but it must be big so there is plenty of room to draw on the insi...

Thanksgiving Turkey Drawing for Young Children

  Follow along with this step by step directed drawing lesson to make your own easy turkey drawing. MATERIALS FOR A TURKEY DRAWING… This is easy, so easy. You and your children will need pencil, paper, and crayons. That’s it! STEP ONE OF YOUR EASY TURKEY DRAWING… This turkey drawing starts out with a simple hand tracing- just like an old fashioned hand turkey! Trace your child’s hand or ask them to trace their own hand.  Then reposition your hand about forty five degrees and trace only your last two fingers.  This step is totally optional but creates a couple of extra “feathers” so you’re turkey is nice and full! GRAB A CRAYON… Grab a crayon now, any color that you want to use as an outline.  I chose black but your outline could be any dark-ish color. Outline the traced hand, connecting the additional fingers to the bulk of the body. Erase any interior pencil lines. DRAWING A FEW DETAILS ON YOUR HAND TURKEY…. We’re going to add a few additional lines with this same d...

Spook-tacular Halloween Art Projects to do at Home!

If there’s one thing we all need right now, it’s a little bit of fun! Take some time this month to create some painted paper masterpieces and to get excited for Halloween! Watch the video for ideas: Timestamps: Funny Face Pumpkin – 1:12 Monsters – 15:24 Asymmetrical Monster – 32:17 This Halloween Spook-tacular art is all about creating special memories with an easy walk-through tutorial. These fun projects (perfect for ages 5-12) will help inspire children's imaginations and will help them learn new artistic techniques along the way! Each project will cover elements of art, like SHAPE, LINE, PATTERN, & SYMMETRY, all while keeping your children engaged in creative activities. There are opportunities for children to create their own unique monsters, either by changing their color and shapes, or deciding what kind of features they’d like to have for the face and body. Grab your Monster inspiration handout below and let’s get started! Halloween Monster Guide The inspiration guide h...

Activity 20: Mystery Word Painting

Here's a fun little project that you can do with your friends and family...a Mystery Word Painting! Grab a white crayon, paper, watercolor paint, and a plastic card or strong piece of cardboard, and let's create! Aquí hay un pequeño proyecto divertido que puedes hacer con tus amigos y familias ... ¡una pintura misteriosa de palabras! Tome un crayón blanco, papel, pintura de acuarela y una tarjeta de plástico o un pedazo de cartón fuerte, ¡y creemos! Watch the video below to see the process. Mire el video a continuación para ver el proceso. You can also hide figures or animals in your mystery paintings! ¡También puedes esconder figuras o animales en tus misteriosas pinturas! If you don't have paint, dip markers into water to create your own watercolors! ¡Si no tiene pintura, ¡sumerja los marcadores en agua para crear tus propias acuarelas! Resources: Cassie Stephens Chalk Academy New Brunswick Public Library Si...

Activity 19: The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere (5th Grade)

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere , Grant Wood, 1931,  Oil on Masonite Here, Grant Wood depicts the legendary story of the American patriot Paul Revere, as learned from an 1863 poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. From a bird’s-eye view, the painting shows Revere on horseback racing through a colonial town square in Massachusetts. Despite the work’s historical subject matter, Wood did not attempt to depict the scene with factual accuracy. The houses are overly bright, as if lit by electric light, and the dramatic moonlight casts unrealistic shadows. The stylized houses, geometric greenery, and high perspective give the painting an otherworldly or dreamlike dimension. Socratic Seminar : Opening (Identify the Main Ideas from the Text) : What is the most interesting detail in this painting? (round-robin response) What is so interesting about that detail? (spontaneous discussion) Core (Analyze Textual Details) : Why do you think the foreground of this painting is l...

Activity 18: Choice-Based Art Activities to do at Home

1. Draw Shadows/Dibujar sombras: Lleve juguetes o una taza de café afuera cuando esté soleado. Póngalos en el suelo y vea dónde la sombra es. Pon tu papel bajo de la sombra y dibuja con una línea para encontrar la forma del sombra. Puedes completar el dibujo con color y detalles. 2. Draw Outdoors/Dibujar fuera: Crea dibujos de tiza sobre cemento. Encuentra un lugar seguro dibujar. Estos dibujos son ideas que son dibujado grande para que haya espacio para estar el dibujo. ¿Quieres ser un superhéroe o mariposa? ¿Cuales son tus ideas Si no lo hace tenga tiza en la acera, dibuje en papel su idea. 3. Draw a New Mouth for Your Pet/Dibuja una nueva boca para tu mascota: ¿Tienes una mascota gato o perro? Si lo haces, tu puede dibujar una nueva sonrisa o una boca tonta para tu mascota. Use un trozo pequeño de papel y lápiz. Adiviértete con tu dibujo, sostenlo delante dela boca de la mascota y toma una foto. Sé gentil. 4. How are You Feeling?/¿Como te sientes? Mira el medidor de ...